Nina Garcia is a reader, reviewer, and devoted coffee drinker from Texas. When she’s not reading or watching Netflix, she is working on writing projects, including a middle grade novel. Favorite genres: anti-racist and intersectional feminist non-fiction, science fiction, horror, and contemporary with elements of fantasy.

Feminist Fairytale Retellings

Fairytales were originally passed down in oral form in European cultures long before written language. Years down the line, they were frequently shared with child audiences to provide moral lessons and to simply scare children into good behavior, really. Even though they’ve been diluted for younger audiences, the harsh situations and anti-feminist themes remain. (Think

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Blog, Book Reviews

Book Review: White Smoke by Tiffany D. Jackson

Synopsis:  White Smoke is a socially-conscious YA horror/thriller by Tiffany D. Jackson. The main character, Marigold, is a teenager in a blended family of five who has recently moved to what should be a great opportunity for her mother: 3 years of rent-free living in a recently-restored home, in exchange for a big writing project.

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